Important Information » Attendance


Bright Futures Begin with Good School Attendance

Remember, every absence, even if excused, is a part of your child's school record. Schools can excuse absences when students miss school for religious, medical, or emergency reasons, but the excused absence is a legal part of the student's record.


Please notify the main office by 8:30 a.m. if your child will be absent. If the absence is due to an illness, kindly provide a doctor’s note upon their return.


Unexcused absences from school include family vacations during school days, oversleeping, and non-medical appointments during school hours.

 when absences become a problem


Students Who Arrive and Leave School Early Miss Out on Key Learning Opportunities


Chronic tardiness occurs when students are consistently late to school and can have dramatic effects on their future education and career. Students who arrive after 8:15 a.m. will be marked late. Similarly, students who leave school early miss out on valuable instructional time.

 effects of lateness on students